Internet Think Tank
Business Consulting
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Data Driven Defense

Stay a step ahead of cyber attacks
Strengthen your cyber defense
An overview of Internet Think Tank's data driven approach

Internet Think Tank takes a dual approach to understanding your business and providing comprehensive solutions for cyber defense. First we perform operational analytics by reviewing your network, security events, known threats and emerging threats in the industry. Threats are looked at both in terms of attack profiles (cyber crimes that can damage organizations) and attack vectors that define the specific approach cyber attackers use to damage your organization.

The objective of operational analytics is to help you understand the patterns around where your organization is being attacked, where cyber security needs to be strengthened, what critical assets need to be protected (even if not currently attacked) and how cyber attacks are evolving.

The second approach is strategic analysis. Strategic analytics leverages operational analytics by helping you determine where to invest in your cyber defense to achieve the best security outcome. This involves carefully crafting and reviewing the security framework to match your organization's priorities. It also serves as a continuous review process to keep you one step ahead of trending cyber attacks.

And when it comes to implementation, Internet Think Tank stays with you to implement the solution we propose. This includes providing business consulting for process changes and technology for process enhancement tools.

For parts of the solution that involve technology development, we have a team of highly experienced engineers and programmers to create the tools necessary to build your organizational defenses. Through our information management and monitoring tools, our technology services will turn your security plans into reality.

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