Internet Think Tank
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Attack Profiles and Attack Vectors      
Cyber Security

Building strong defenses for government and enterprises

From Attack Profiles to Attack Vectors,
Internet Think Tank has your security covered

The cyber security field can present a complicated collection of threats for any organization. It is a field that recognizes no boarders, sovereignty, organizational size or industry. Cyber security evolves in a constant cycle of attacks and counter defense measures. And with the proliferation of new technologies that link systems into the Web, organizational vulnerabilities are multiplying at a rapid pace. But like any field, cyber security can be measured. Cyber attacks are events carried out by global actors. These event can be statistically measured and the actors have measurable profiles. The cyber security field in general operates by a collection of cause-effect relationships that define the behavior of cyber criminals and cyber threat defenders. At the end of the day, cyber attackers are people, each governed by the bounded rationality that govern their motives and tactics.

Here at Internet Think Tank, we understand that a superior cyber security defense starts with superior measurements. In order for any defense to be successful, organizations must not only measure successful attacks, but also attempted attacks. Collectively, such data reveals where your defenses are successful and where they need improvement. The data must also be measured repeatedly, because cyber criminals change their tactics constantly. This continuous modeling is essential in unravelling the who, what, when, where, why, and how of every type of cyber attack and how they are evolving to undermine your organization. Cyber Criminals never stop innovating... Why should you?

All cyber attacks can be categorized into what we refer to as "attack profiles" (AP). Attack profiles are general types of cyber crimes such as system takeovers, transaction fraud, cyber espionage and piracy. Each attack profile follow global, regional and industrial trends. By measuring attack profiles, we learn which types of attacks are most problematic and which are most likely to occur. Those factors alone can be extremely important for organizational planning and budgeting. Attack profiles give organizations a clear spectrum of threats for which they should be prepared.

Furthermore. each attack profile is made up of very specific ways cyber criminals execute their attacks. We call these "attack vectors" (AV). The unique collection of variables that define an attack constitutes an attack vector and includes parameters such as who is being attacked, what type of system if being attacked, when is the attack executed, where is the attack executed, why is the attack executed, and what method is used to attack. Each attack vector warrants a unique defense designed specifically around the characteristics of the attack. Knowing the particular strengths and weakness of an attack vector is crucial for administrating an appropriate solution rather than an overly generalized defense that leaves gaping holes for cyber attackers to exploit.

Internet Think Tank has developed and maintains a proprietary database of known and emerging attack vectors. We analyze past and present attack profiles to enhance the richness of our database. And we perform statistical and system dynamics modeling to predict which of attacks will used against your organization. With our attack profiles and attack vectors, our data driven approach will lead to your best decisions around cyber security.

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Strengthen your defences

Internet Think Tank's cyber security research and custom framework models can provide a sound approach to defending againt cyber attacks.

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Which attack profiles threathen your business?

Attack profiles describe the types of cyber crimes committed in the Internet theater. And some are trending stronger than ever before.

Read more on trending attack profiles

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